Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Well, well, well...

So yeah, it's been a while... And the fact that I feel like I'm writing to a brick wall doesn't help (is that even a valid metaphor?), though I'm determined to write something more substantial than usual, whether anyone reads it or not.

Anyway, what with so many musical happenings and listenings, I'm not sure where to start. Let's kick off with some new bands...

  • Fleet Foxes - A fascinating and distinctly American palette of folksy guitars, baroque-pop hooks and luscious stacked harmonies. Key tracks - White Winter Hymnal, Blue Ridge Mountains, Oliver James
  • Bellowhead - Sticking with the folk theme, but from the opposite side of the Atlantic, Bellowhead are a bunch (collective?) from England who have taken traditional English folk music and put it on drugs that even Amy Winehouse hasn't heard of. Funk, jazz, disco, classical, you name it- they've added it to the cocktail. Key tracks - London Town, Fakenham Fair, (my personal fave - yes, it's a frying pan) Jordan
  • Calamateur - Strictly local and unsigned, these guys (well, this guy really) are/is PHENOMENAL!!! (I saw them live last night - prepare for a post very soon!!) And what's more, his latest album, interestingly entitled "Jesus Is For Losers" is absolutely free off the website - www.calamateur.com/ seriously, download it now! Yes he writes from a Christian worldview, but even if you aren't of the same beliefs then this is well, well worth a listen. Bristling electronics combined with singer-songwriter acoustic sensibilities and a large dose of honesty, there is very little not to like here. Namecheck (IMO) Radiohead, Sigur Ros (live anyway), Delirious?, Elliott Smith. Key tracks (from the latest album) - Jesus is for Losers, Perfect Moment and many more...
In addition to these (relatively) new finds, I have been getting stuck into Joni Mitchell, Jeff Buckley live, Beach Boys and Led Zeppelin. Also, reading "The Philosophy of Art" by Noel Carroll - fascinating and well-written, even though it's an Undergraduate University textbook and requires commitment, I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in that sort of thing. Finally, I have discovered the wonders of Spotify. I still much prefer owning albums, but for trying new stuff nothing can beat it - and I haven't even had one ad yet! Head on over to www.spotify.com and make yourself happy.

Please leave comments and emails and, y'know, read things... More followers would just be lovely. Peace out!!