So, to bide my time until that fateful hour, I think it would be wise to do some sort of review of the year. Now, I'm no novelist, so I'm not going to get all prosaic on you, but I do like a good list. So here is a small selection of my favourite bits of 2009. Enjoy, and do tell me whether you agree/disagree!
My Top Three ALBUMS of 2009
Ok, you all know I'm an album freak. So, (definitely) in no particular order, here is my personal collection of this year's best records. To be honest, I don't think 2009 was a great year for albums (or even music in general...), but here goes.
1. U2 - "No Line On The Horizon" Ok, so it's no "Achtung Baby." But I actually think this album has been underrated- live, it was a triumph (even with the ridiculous, distracting, OTT stage set that accompanied it), and there are some songs that can only be described as "anthemic."
2. Muse - "The Resistance" As I've already explained in another post, this album needs very little explanation. Beautiful, ridiculous, epic and intimate, sometimes all within seconds of each other. Listen, laugh, cry, enjoy.
3. Volcano Choir - "Unmap" This is the only truly "indie" album I've loved this year. If you like weird, you'll like this. Imagine Bon Iver on steroids, with added glitchy production, odd noises and even a "Mbira." I don't even know what one of those is. But it's beautiful.
My Top Three GIGS of 2009
I hope you don't all think it's self-centred to include one of my own gigs here, but the fact is- I love playing live! And I've learnt a lot from my experiences this year, so I'm afraid you will just have to live with it :)
1. Carlops Jazz Band - Arran '09 Well I thought I had blogged about this once already, but turns out that I actually hadn't. As a (very) amateur band, we are so used to just playing gigs for family, friends and stragglers, so to go to the Isle of Arran and play for (literally) 100 people we had never met was an experience. Everything was last-minute, everything was crazy, but something clicked and I enjoyed what has to be one of the best nights of my life so far. Whether we actually played very well is debatable, but it was a night where it didn't matter- we gave it everything, and there was a confidence and an energy that none of us had felt before. I could go on for ever, but I won't.
2. Muse - Glasgow SECC 09/11/09 This was the night that Muse became better than U2, better than Radiohead, better than any big band you would care to name. At least in my head. There's little else to say, other than "go and see them."
3. DLDown & Dan Glover Band? - The Lot, Edinburgh, 12/11/09 OK, this was a tough one to decide. It was a toss-up between this and U2. But The Claw was a distraction for me, so hey. Plus, though we actually played crap (as I discovered about a week later when listening to the recording), this was a bit of a turning point for me, and I think for the rest of the band as well. Now, as I said, we didn't actually play that well, but this was the night we realised (I think) that actually, we can do this- this gig thing isn't as uncomfortable and weird as it could have been. So, purely for that reason, and because The Lot is one of my favourite venues, this makes the list. (If you're interested, a free download of the DGB? highlights is at
Most Exciting Things of 2010
Now, I'm a firm believer that when you look back, you should always look forward as well, so here, in chronological order, are three things that I'm most excited about for 2010.
1. Dan Glover Band? at The Eastgate - 17/01/10 Now, although this looks like a cheap plug, it isn't. Honestly. Well, yes it is, but also I'm really REALLY excited. This is DGB?'s first ever "headlining" gig (we even have our own support act!?), so i think I'm allowed to be. Plus, the ever-awesome Bobby "Bobsleigh" Moles is going to be playing 2nd acoustic guitar, which will be fun. OK, enough self-importance.
2. The new series of Dr. Who Yes, yes, OK- I'm a ridiculously sad fanboy. There, I said it. But there's talk of a new TARDIS, people- A NEW TARDIS!!
3. Returning to Edinburgh OK, don't get me wrong- I adore Vienna. I think it's the most beautiful city I've ever been to, and I love my new community here. But I come from Edinburgh. I also can't wait to get stuck in to my Music degree at Uni- I would always recommend a gap year to anyone, but only if you know what you want to do. I didn't. And, well, still don't. In fact, if I hadn't been lucky enough to come to this brilliant city, I don't think I would have enjoyed this year anywhere near as much as I have so far.
Resolutions for 2010
Oh, and what would New Year be without a few resolutions which may or may not stick? I'm not going to lie, I'm hopeless at keeping them. But, just in case, here they are:
1. Blogging better Yeah- this blog has so far not really gone as well as I had hoped. I mean, I like writing album reviews, but that wasn't what it was originally here for. I would like to get a bit more "philosophical" next year, and actually write about what is important to me in music. But hey, you are the readers- what do you want to see more of next year?
2. Reading more Believe it or not, I'm a terrible reader. I get too distracted. My laptop is just more fun. But when I do read a really good book, I'm always glad I did. So, again, other than the Bible and Steinbeck's Cannery Row (my current favourite), what books would you guys all recommend?
3. The mythical DGB? album Yes, it's going to happen. Recently I've been falling in the trap of releasing "singles" all the time. This is good in some ways (quick feedback, chances to experiment and find what I like), but I think it's time that I really focused on something complete and coherent. Early next year, there will be one more "big, expansive, electric" single, but I have already started working on the first DGB? LP, which will be more groove-based, intricate and acoustic. I hope you like.
So, to (finally) close, I want to ask you readers- what have been the defining moments of 2009 for you? Are some of mine along the right lines, or completely wrong? Do tell me. Plus, recommendations of books and opinions on what you want this blog to be would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all putting up with my ramblings so far, see you next decade!!
I hope you don't all think it's self-centred to include one of my own gigs here, but the fact is- I love playing live! And I've learnt a lot from my experiences this year, so I'm afraid you will just have to live with it :)
1. Carlops Jazz Band - Arran '09 Well I thought I had blogged about this once already, but turns out that I actually hadn't. As a (very) amateur band, we are so used to just playing gigs for family, friends and stragglers, so to go to the Isle of Arran and play for (literally) 100 people we had never met was an experience. Everything was last-minute, everything was crazy, but something clicked and I enjoyed what has to be one of the best nights of my life so far. Whether we actually played very well is debatable, but it was a night where it didn't matter- we gave it everything, and there was a confidence and an energy that none of us had felt before. I could go on for ever, but I won't.
2. Muse - Glasgow SECC 09/11/09 This was the night that Muse became better than U2, better than Radiohead, better than any big band you would care to name. At least in my head. There's little else to say, other than "go and see them."
3. DLDown & Dan Glover Band? - The Lot, Edinburgh, 12/11/09 OK, this was a tough one to decide. It was a toss-up between this and U2. But The Claw was a distraction for me, so hey. Plus, though we actually played crap (as I discovered about a week later when listening to the recording), this was a bit of a turning point for me, and I think for the rest of the band as well. Now, as I said, we didn't actually play that well, but this was the night we realised (I think) that actually, we can do this- this gig thing isn't as uncomfortable and weird as it could have been. So, purely for that reason, and because The Lot is one of my favourite venues, this makes the list. (If you're interested, a free download of the DGB? highlights is at
Most Exciting Things of 2010
Now, I'm a firm believer that when you look back, you should always look forward as well, so here, in chronological order, are three things that I'm most excited about for 2010.
1. Dan Glover Band? at The Eastgate - 17/01/10 Now, although this looks like a cheap plug, it isn't. Honestly. Well, yes it is, but also I'm really REALLY excited. This is DGB?'s first ever "headlining" gig (we even have our own support act!?), so i think I'm allowed to be. Plus, the ever-awesome Bobby "Bobsleigh" Moles is going to be playing 2nd acoustic guitar, which will be fun. OK, enough self-importance.
2. The new series of Dr. Who Yes, yes, OK- I'm a ridiculously sad fanboy. There, I said it. But there's talk of a new TARDIS, people- A NEW TARDIS!!
3. Returning to Edinburgh OK, don't get me wrong- I adore Vienna. I think it's the most beautiful city I've ever been to, and I love my new community here. But I come from Edinburgh. I also can't wait to get stuck in to my Music degree at Uni- I would always recommend a gap year to anyone, but only if you know what you want to do. I didn't. And, well, still don't. In fact, if I hadn't been lucky enough to come to this brilliant city, I don't think I would have enjoyed this year anywhere near as much as I have so far.
Resolutions for 2010
Oh, and what would New Year be without a few resolutions which may or may not stick? I'm not going to lie, I'm hopeless at keeping them. But, just in case, here they are:
1. Blogging better Yeah- this blog has so far not really gone as well as I had hoped. I mean, I like writing album reviews, but that wasn't what it was originally here for. I would like to get a bit more "philosophical" next year, and actually write about what is important to me in music. But hey, you are the readers- what do you want to see more of next year?
2. Reading more Believe it or not, I'm a terrible reader. I get too distracted. My laptop is just more fun. But when I do read a really good book, I'm always glad I did. So, again, other than the Bible and Steinbeck's Cannery Row (my current favourite), what books would you guys all recommend?
3. The mythical DGB? album Yes, it's going to happen. Recently I've been falling in the trap of releasing "singles" all the time. This is good in some ways (quick feedback, chances to experiment and find what I like), but I think it's time that I really focused on something complete and coherent. Early next year, there will be one more "big, expansive, electric" single, but I have already started working on the first DGB? LP, which will be more groove-based, intricate and acoustic. I hope you like.
So, to (finally) close, I want to ask you readers- what have been the defining moments of 2009 for you? Are some of mine along the right lines, or completely wrong? Do tell me. Plus, recommendations of books and opinions on what you want this blog to be would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all putting up with my ramblings so far, see you next decade!!