Well, it really has been too long. Sorry, folks. I'm hoping to get back into the habit of regular posts, but it may just be wishful thinking. This will have to do for now, anyway.
Recently I have been thinking a lot about lyrics, and why they mean so much to me, yet so little to some people. I should probably point out that I don't think this makes me a "better" music listener than anyone else- I just think everyone enjoys music differently, and I am very interested to know what all you people think.
So, my question would be this- what makes a good lyric? To me, good music (whether it has lyrics or not) has to move me in some way; make me feel something from the writer- whether it is joy, sadness, pain, anger, indignation, love, awe, happiness, escapism, or any other of the infinite number of emotions humans have the capacity to feel. And I think the same applies to lyrics. If you're not trying to say something, or even just express some sort of emotion, I don't want to hear it. Harsh? Probably. But I can't help it- if I can't see a bit of your soul, then I'm not interested in your lyrics. How sadistic.
Anyway. What do you think? How much do you care about lyrics? And what makes lyrics good? And what are your favourites? Let's get a real discussion on the go. This would make me happy.