Sunday, 27 December 2009

My 2009 (sorry, this is long.)

Well, it's that time again. The presents have been opened, the chocolate has all been eaten (lie), and the wine has all been drunken (another lie), and I am waiting with truly baited breath for the second part of the Dr. Who Christmas special.

So, to bide my time until that fateful hour, I think it would be wise to do some sort of review of the year. Now, I'm no novelist, so I'm not going to get all prosaic on you, but I do like a good list. So here is a small selection of my favourite bits of 2009. Enjoy, and do tell me whether you agree/disagree!

My Top Three ALBUMS of 2009
Ok, you all know I'm an album freak. So, (definitely) in no particular order, here is my personal collection of this year's best records. To be honest, I don't think 2009 was a great year for albums (or even music in general...), but here goes.

1. U2 - "No Line On The Horizon" Ok, so it's no "Achtung Baby." But I actually think this album has been underrated- live, it was a triumph (even with the ridiculous, distracting, OTT stage set that accompanied it), and there are some songs that can only be described as "anthemic."
2. Muse - "The Resistance" As I've already explained in another post, this album needs very little explanation. Beautiful, ridiculous, epic and intimate, sometimes all within seconds of each other. Listen, laugh, cry, enjoy.
3. Volcano Choir - "Unmap" This is the only truly "indie" album I've loved this year. If you like weird, you'll like this. Imagine Bon Iver on steroids, with added glitchy production, odd noises and even a "Mbira." I don't even know what one of those is. But it's beautiful.

My Top Three GIGS of 2009
I hope you don't all think it's self-centred to include one of my own gigs here, but the fact is- I love playing live! And I've learnt a lot from my experiences this year, so I'm afraid you will just have to live with it :)

1. Carlops Jazz Band - Arran '09 Well I thought I had blogged about this once already, but turns out that I actually hadn't. As a (very) amateur band, we are so used to just playing gigs for family, friends and stragglers, so to go to the Isle of Arran and play for (literally) 100 people we had never met was an experience. Everything was last-minute, everything was crazy, but something clicked and I enjoyed what has to be one of the best nights of my life so far. Whether we actually played very well is debatable, but it was a night where it didn't matter- we gave it everything, and there was a confidence and an energy that none of us had felt before. I could go on for ever, but I won't.
2. Muse - Glasgow SECC 09/11/09 This was the night that Muse became better than U2, better than Radiohead, better than any big band you would care to name. At least in my head. There's little else to say, other than "go and see them."
3. DLDown & Dan Glover Band? - The Lot, Edinburgh, 12/11/09 OK, this was a tough one to decide. It was a toss-up between this and U2. But The Claw was a distraction for me, so hey. Plus, though we actually played crap (as I discovered about a week later when listening to the recording), this was a bit of a turning point for me, and I think for the rest of the band as well. Now, as I said, we didn't actually play that well, but this was the night we realised (I think) that actually, we can do this- this gig thing isn't as uncomfortable and weird as it could have been. So, purely for that reason, and because The Lot is one of my favourite venues, this makes the list. (If you're interested, a free download of the DGB? highlights is at

Most Exciting Things of 2010
Now, I'm a firm believer that when you look back, you should always look forward as well, so here, in chronological order, are three things that I'm most excited about for 2010.

1. Dan Glover Band? at The Eastgate - 17/01/10 Now, although this looks like a cheap plug, it isn't. Honestly. Well, yes it is, but also I'm really REALLY excited. This is DGB?'s first ever "headlining" gig (we even have our own support act!?), so i think I'm allowed to be. Plus, the ever-awesome Bobby "Bobsleigh" Moles is going to be playing 2nd acoustic guitar, which will be fun. OK, enough self-importance.
2. The new series of Dr. Who Yes, yes, OK- I'm a ridiculously sad fanboy. There, I said it. But there's talk of a new TARDIS, people- A NEW TARDIS!!
3. Returning to Edinburgh OK, don't get me wrong- I adore Vienna. I think it's the most beautiful city I've ever been to, and I love my new community here. But I come from Edinburgh. I also can't wait to get stuck in to my Music degree at Uni- I would always recommend a gap year to anyone, but only if you know what you want to do. I didn't. And, well, still don't. In fact, if I hadn't been lucky enough to come to this brilliant city, I don't think I would have enjoyed this year anywhere near as much as I have so far.

Resolutions for 2010
Oh, and what would New Year be without a few resolutions which may or may not stick? I'm not going to lie, I'm hopeless at keeping them. But, just in case, here they are:

1. Blogging better Yeah- this blog has so far not really gone as well as I had hoped. I mean, I like writing alb
um reviews, but that wasn't what it was originally here for. I would like to get a bit more "philosophical" next year, and actually write about what is important to me in music. But hey, you are the readers- what do you want to see more of next year?
2. Reading more Believe it or not, I'm a terrible reader. I get too distracted. My laptop is just more fun. But when I do read a really good book, I'm always glad I did. So, again, other than the Bible and Steinbeck's Cannery Row (my current favourite), what books would you guys all recommend?
3. The mythical DGB? album Yes, it's going to happen. Recently I've been falling in the trap of releasing "singles" all the time. This is good in some ways (quick feedback, chances to experiment and find what I like), but I think it's time that I really focused on something complete and coherent. Early next year, there will be one more "big, expansive, electric" single, but I have already started working on the first DGB? LP, which will be more groove-based, intricate and acoustic. I hope you like.

So, to (finally) close, I want to ask you readers- what have been the defining moments of 2009 for you? Are some of mine along the right lines, or completely wrong? Do tell me. Plus, recommendations of books and opinions on what you want this blog to be would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for all putting up with my ramblings so far, see you next decade!!

Monday, 30 November 2009

St. Andrews Day. Apparently.

So, as you probably all know by now, I no longer live in Scotland, I live in Austria. Although I love it here (seriously, Vienna is probably the most beautiful city I have ever visited), I miss Scotland all the time. Obviously that may have something to do with the fact that all my friends are there, but there are definitely just some "Scottish things" I miss. Haggis. Irn Bru. Scottish accents. Oh, and cider. Not strictly Scottish, but definitely not Austrian!

Originally I was going to write a whole post about what I miss from Scotland, but then I figured that somethi
ng music-related would make more sense. Now, you all know how much I love albums and album reviews. So here are 3 Awesome Scottish Albums, for your reading and listening pleasure.

My first choice is probably the one none of you will have heard of. This is Scottish saxophonist
Paul Towndrow's third album, Six By Six, released in 2007. I was lucky enough to play drums at the same gig as him and his quartet (my first real live jazz experience), and it was a night I won't soon forget.

This album isn't for everyone, and if you aren't already familiar with jazz, it's maybe not a great introduction. But that doesn't stop it from being phenomenal- featuring (amongst others) the incredibly talented Konrad Wiszniewski on tenor sax, and one of my favourite drummers Alyn Cosker (incidentally, already mentioned here), this album ranks amongst my favourite jazz records of all time. The tunes (all originals) are big, funky and exciting, and Towndrow's solos are crazed and virtuosic. As I said, not for every
one, but all jazz fans (at least!) should definitely listen.
  • Key tracks: "Crook Sludge," (possibly one of the coolest basslines I have heard for a while) "Rostov," "Big Hitter."
  • Best moment: The aforementioned bassline to "Crook Sludge," Steve Hamilton's gorgeous piano solo on "Rostov," Cosker's drum solo on opener "Big Hitter."

Next up is a band that I am only just getting into, but loving so far. It's the obligatory (yet still great) weirdcoustic-indie-pop of Belle & Sebastian, with cult classic If You're Feeling Sinister. I bought this album when I was on my second favourite family holiday ever, in Florida, so this album has wonderfully strange connotations for me, making me love it even more.

And, as if that wasn't enough, the bassist in this album (Stuart David) is the uncle of one of my very good schoolf
riends, making it even more special.

Now I would love to give you lots of history and background information here, but the fact is I don't know any (yet)!! Interestingly, though, I can tell you that the band were never satisfied with the recording quality of this album, and released a live version in 2005 to try and improve it. I love it when artists do things like this- Classical composers never had one "final product" - their music gets played, rerecorded and refined (or the opposite of refined...) all the time, so why should pop acts rest on their laurels when it comes to studio recording? Plus, I just love hearing different versions of songs- it almost takes more creativity to completely reinvent a song you've already written than it does to write a new one. But anyway, that's for another post.
  • Key tracks: Pretty much all of them, but my personal favourites are "Like Dylan In The Movies," "Fox In The Snow," and "Mayfly"
  • Best moment: First verse of "Like Dylan In The Movies," drums cutting out at the word "stop," then the very slightly delayed bass pickup. Some say predictable, I say textbook :) alternatively, the harmonica part to "Me And The Major." Raucous and funky- Love it!

For number 3, I was truly torn between two great albums, but I've gone with this. Debut self-titled album from Glasgow alt-indie-rock-music (more than two hyphens in one word- the sign of a true critic...) band Franz Ferdinand is well-regarded as a classic, and rightly so. From dissonant rocker "Cheating On You" to quasi-dance number "Auf Achse" via the dark sensuality of "Dark Of The Matinee," this album is full of great tunes, cheeky riffs and intriguing lyrics, all brought together with understated production, solid rhythm from from Paul Thomson and Robert Hardy and references to Russian avant-garde. What's not to like?
  • Key tracks: "Matinee," "This Fire," "Michael."
  • Best moment: As usual, it's tough, but the riff to "Michael," combined with it's relentless four-to-the-floor bassline is hard to beat.

So I hope you've all enjoyed this, but please let me know if you think I've got it wrong, or add your own to the list- let's have some chat! And Happy St. Andrew's Day! :)

Monday, 12 October 2009

First Single!!

Just a quick plug... The first ever official Dan Glover Band? single is now available to buy!! £1 on bandcamp now, or iTunes/Amazon usual pricing in a couple of weeks.
OR if you are an emusic subscriber-

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Oooooh Vienna....

Good evening all...

Well, here I am, blogging from the other side of Europe. Lovely place, but I can't lie- struggling with the language/finding things to fill my life is. I miss all the friends and music at home. Having said that, being less busy has given me an opportunity to work on my own stuff, the end result of which will be RELEASED (like, a real single!!) in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!!

So, with little else to talk about, I think it's time to catch up on my favourite records of recent weeks...

Hugely overblown artwork? Lyrics concerning superpowers, "Eurasia" and the oddest conspiracy theories you've ever heard? A three-part symphony called "Exogenesis"? Yep, it could only be the noe-alt-prog-classic-rock extravaganza that is the new album The Resistance by Muse.

There are basically only two bands in the world that can make this level of OTT work, and the other are in the process of touring the world in a giant claw. But, as well as just being MASSIVE, this album has some genuinely beautiful, even heartbreaking moments. The (fully orchestrated, of course) "Symphony" is definitely the highlight, but the rest of the album is still way up there with the best of the year, if not the decade.
  • Key tracks: "Resistance," "Undisclosed Desires" (LIVE VIDEO: slap bass, keytar and questionable lyric-remembering included!), "I Belong To You / Mon Cœur S'ouvre À Ta Voix"
  • Best moment: Hmm, hard to decide. If I'm pushed, I have to be biased- the drum fill at 3:57 of "Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)"

A very different, but equally incredible record which I recently bought (on a great tip from this fellow blogger) is Sufjan Stevens' 2005 album Illinoise. Part of his ambitious (and as yet uncompleted) 50 states album project, this is an incredible work which, as with a lot of his material, manages to relate poetic writing about geographic locations with deep, spiritual insights into life, death, love and emotions.

However, the sheer breadth of musicality in his composition is incredible- mixing elements of acoustic, folk, indie, showtunes and orchestral music into an incredible finished product. I think notorious reviewer Robert Christgau puts it perfectly when he says "...this album radiates positive energy, and in today's alt, that's a precious thing."
  • Key tracks: Personally, the opener "Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois" is a favourite, along with "The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us!" and "Come On! Feel The Illinoise!"
  • Best moment: The beautiful counterpoint vocals in the gorgeous, cinematic bridge of "The Predatory Wasp."
So I hope some of you have enjoyed my ramblings for one day. Hopefully now we are settled in our new home, blogging can be a bit more frequent. Please leave me a comment and tell me what you think of these albums, or if you have anything that you think I need to listen to- I'm open to everything!! Almost.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

About the hiatus...

So, just got back from Germany concert tour yesterday, and wasn't able to blog while I was there. Before I went there were a few gigs that I didn't mention as well, but luckily for you I promise not to blog on absolutely everything...

So, in a nutshell, sorry for the delay and expect a few new posts, but I promise not to bore you with every detail of every moment of every concert.

That's what twitter is for...

Friday, 29 May 2009

Persilands '09

Well, as promised, here is my version of Persilands '09. Do enjoy...

This year, I was lucky enough to play the gig with two fantastic amateur bands- the Carlops Jazz Band (playing keys) and the Biggar Big Band (drums). Logistically, this was all a bit of a challenge for the Carlops band, considering how much gear we actually own, plus the fact that EUan had been nominated as "drumkit bitch" for the gig. (Apologies, couldn't think of a better term. Any ideas, please let me know...) This meant that his whole kit had to be brought along. Plus my snare and cymbals (obeying drummer etiquette). Plus lots of other things. Have a look...

Yep, that's the back seat. Anyway, so that happened, we were running late of course, but eventually we got there.

After a huge and unhelpful amount of faffing around (not that it was entirely unexpected...) and a late tenor player, we did manage to get a soundcheck. But then, the foldback didn't work, we started late, and ended up having to cut some numbers with the Carlopettes (our esteemed backing singers). No-one was really happy with this, which was unfortunate because it really somewhat spoilt what was actually a very good set. Nevermind, though... I think general consensus (read: my opinion) was that there was nothing we could've really done to avoid it.

So, that was that. Next up, Kings Of Cheeze. I know I've mentioned them many times before, but these guys really are something to watch. Absolutely off-the-wall, incredibly engaging and probably slightly demented. What more could you want? (By the way, apologies for the poor picture quality. T-Mobile G1 camera really not very good.)

I don't really have the space to talk about all the acts here, plus I didn't take that many photos, but it was great to have a bit of a mix. Floozie Soo played a great set, special kudos to the multi-talented Dave Ford on saxes, trumpet, bass and bassax (that's sax and bass at the same time. That means simultaneously. No joke.) Singer/songwriter Adam Holmes also played a more chilled-out, folksy set, which was a great contrast to the Biggar Big Band who followed him.

"Oh wait, that means me on the drums. Man, should probably set up the kit. Aah, where is my music? Aah, where is my stool? Seriously, guys, I need a drum stool!! Crap, that tom won't fit there. Better move it. Dammit, dropped the music again." Etc...

Anyway, so that was how it went. Eventually I did set up the kit, and we played the set. Nothing too remarkable, seemed to go really well. Couple of dodgy endings- it's actually very difficult to tackle pauses, rubato and slow-downs without an official "conductor." But all in all, very very good fun. Personal favourite is an arrangement of "Just A Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody" which has the most awesome drum set-ups ever. Completely predictable to anyone familiar with the genre, but still extremely effective. And fun to play.

So Persilands '09 was indeed a success. Musically, fantastic, but the best thing for me was being able to leave with a renewed passion for local music. There is so much going on. But possibly even better than that was the sense of community that gets built up around local musicians. There is something special about music- it really does bring people together. So many times on Sunday, I was struck by the sheer randomness of some of the people I was talking to. What I mean is that, if it weren't for the local music scene, there would be absolutely no way of me being able to get to know these awesome people- people from incredibly different walks of life, all interacting to put on a great gig.

The day finished with lots of driving to and from the venue, and meeting up (and not managing to meet up...) with musicians in pubs. I got home, brain mushed up through a combination of beer and tiredness, at about 11.30- exactly 12 hours after getting there. There's nothing like the feeling when you get into bed after a day like that- a mixture of satisfaction, excitement over future plans, exhiliration, sadness that it's over, and extreme, all-consuming tired-out-ness.


Anyway, I do realise that I write far too much, so I was extra-careful to take a few more photos this time. Enjoy...

Our lovely venue, before the horde.

John embracing his young, feminine and very slightly drunken sides simultaneously.

Euan embracing a plastic cow.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

The beat goes round and round...

I'm writing this in bed today. Sums it all up, really!

On Thursday I had a maths exam and then Carlops Jazz Band rehearsal in the evening, followed by a visit to the pub in honour of our singer's return from Arran. On Friday I was back to school, finishing some Music Technology coursework and being treated to Frank Zappa live in Barcelona. I was skeptical, but actually really enjoyed it- his band are uber-tight, phenomenally musical and supremely well-trained. Plus, Zappa's compositions and lyrics are like no other- hilarious, worrying and thought-provoking all in one. [So thanks, James!]

Then last night I went to see the Alyn Cosker Trio plus special guest Tommy Smith at The Lot in Edinburgh. Incidentally, this is the same venue where I saw the awesome calamateur only a few weeks ago. It's rapidly turning in to a favourite, actually- it's very intimate yet somehow still manages not to feel claustrophobic. But more importantly, the performance by the band was incredible... The energy was unbelievable, and watching Alyn Cosker behind the kit is something else- he plays his particular brand of raucous, guitar-based jazz-rock fusion with a raw energy and determination that just isn't often found in the jazz scene. If you ever get the chance, I would highly recommend this band.

This morning it was almost business as usual, forcing my wild music taste and shabby technique upon poor, innocent children. That is, teaching drums at home. Though in actual fact, only three of the usual eight turned up, but considering how mad the rest of the day was going to be, this was probably no bad thing.

Hasty lunch and off to rehearsal number one- Carlops Jazz Band. A miscommunication and general bad luck meant that I had no piano- just the Yamaha DX7. I feel very privileged to be a
ble to play one of these awesome instruments, but it definitely works better on top of a standard elect
ric piano as opposed to being the only comping
instrument. This, coupled with the unfamiliar venue, extra backing singers, hastily organised sound system (read: couldn't hear myself...) and general weekend madness meant that I definitely wasn't up to scratch. However, the set list for tomorrow's gig is pretty well known anyway, so it should be alright...

Anyway, 2 chaotic hours later me and Colin made a dash back to my house to pick up the drums before heading over to Broughton for a Biggar Big Band rehearsal. Being about three times the size of the Carlops band, the arrangements are more complex, but lack improvisation. About 30 seconds into the first number (Glenn Miller's Little Brown Jug), I realised how out of practise I was. Though I recovered, and seemed to get back into the swing of things (no pun intended), only to be caught off guard by the crazy Latin number Donut King [sweet, SWEET communal percussion solo in this one].

Then back home for an equally hasty dinner, teaching one more lesson, then settling down for an hour or so to practise all that BBB stuff I had forgotten how to play...

I also got a chance to play with some new live looping software today - AmbiLoop. Hopefully I will eventually post about this in more detail, and I'm hoping to use it in some solo gigs soon as well. So, all you techy types, keep 'em peeled!

Anyway, all in all, a good, music-filled day. It was great to play with the Biggar guys again, and I had forgotten how fun some of the rep was (Nou's Blue, Just A Gigolo, Donut King are my personal favourites). I would love to post links to videos and recordings of both CJB and BBB, but the sad fact of the matter is that there aren't any!! Maybe this needs sorting out.

But on the plus side, it gives me a good opportunity to plug some gigs:

May 24th (TOMORROW!) - Biggar Little Festival, Persilands
Carlops Jazz Band opening at 2.00pm, Biggar Big Band on later, Kings of Cheeze, Floozie Soo also playing.
Outdoor, barbecue, bar etc. Tickets £10 for the whole afternoon, kids free. Weather should be good!
Persilands farm outside Biggar. Map here.

May 30th, 7.30pm - 'The Amazing Carlops Jazz Band'
Our one and only 'residency,' this is usually the one gig where we sound good...
Tickets £5, kids free, from Rumbling Tams in West Linton.
Carlops Village Hall.

June 20th - 'Carlops Big Party'
Carlops Jazz Band, Dan Glover Band, Kings of Cheeze, Murray Campbell Xplosion, many, many more...
Free entry
Starting at 12.00pm in the Village Hall, then later moving down the road to the pub, for DGB, Bill Lumsden and others, then possibly back up to the hall for a Ceilidh. Should be a day of generally mad, musical, Carlops-style fun, possibly ending up with a bit of a jam session at the end. I know I can't wait! Also the first "official" performance by the Dan Glover Band. Like I haven't already told you this...

Anyway, sorry for the large amounts of "me" in this post, but hey, maybe someone will find it interesting. And what can I say - it makes me happy!


Wednesday, 20 May 2009

I Told You So...

Ha. Just came across the perfect example of how music reviews can be so, well, different. (don't ask how I came to be looking at this page, just read the blog...)

Take a look at the first review on the page- "A New Day at Midnight is not White Ladder part 2..."

And then Q Magazine, about 6 or 7 lines down: "So is it White Ladder II? In a word, "yes.""

Just goes to show how music can be so many things to different people. And that you should never pay attention to critics. Ever.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

A quick, dirty, shameless plug.

So the new project/band/thing has a myspace: and a youtube: there is also one solo video up- me singing a new song, though it isn't quite the same without the rest of the band!

Note that I'm still not convinced about the name. Does it sound very egocentric or is it OK? Thought, please!!


Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Live music.

OK. You may not believe it. But I am about to write a real blog. Like, a real one. Wish me luck...

So I just got back from a "meeting" with a few guys from the neighbouring village who are organising a gig/mini-festival to take place in June. (The Carlops Big Party, 20th June, all afternoon/evening. Plug over.) They asked me, or more correctly, I managed to wangle for myself, a set for me and my band (apparently now known as The Dan Glover Band. Mixed feelings.) in the evening (7 'o' clock :P) in said pub. Can't wait. No idea who will be playing, no idea what we will play, fully aware that I only get back from Germany three days before, but still can't wait. [NB: Great local band Kings of Cheeze will also be playing - don't miss it!]

The last (and first!) gigs we did as a band were three 'cafe' sets at the Eastgate in Peebles, as part of their fifth birthday celebrations, and we had an interestingly mixed response. Allow me to explain.

The first day was just me switching between acoustic and piano, and Erin singing. We had some friends along, we played songs, people clapped politely in between, nothing special, nothing terrible.

The second day, though we played the same set, had exactly the same set-up, was different... For one, I broke a guitar string about halfway through the set so had to switch to piano, but it was more than that. There was no response- no-one clapped. At all. Now maybe I'm just being ungrateful, but it was kind of disconcerting to have such an incredibly different response to the same set, just the next day. Anyway, long story short, we packed up and left early. Partly embarassment, partly feeling uncomfortable, mostly because there were only so many guitar-based songs that can safely make the transition to solo piano accompaniment.

The last set we did was a Saturday morning. Same place, same set, same gear. A few minor differences: the place was reasonably full (I mean, like a whole 10 people...) and we had Katie playing the piano as well, plus some fans in the audience. But this time, right from the first song (a cover of Flume by Bon Iver, for anyone who cares), something just seemed to click. Everything just felt right. I even plucked up the courage to actually give a brief explanation/introduction to some songs, and I swear that there were even people clapping along at some points. Despite being so small-scale (OK, but in actual fact there were slightly more than 10 people there...), that has to go down as one of my favourite gigs ever. [Afterwards, we went for a celebratory (though short-lived) busking session, just because. Special mention to a Mr. Neil Costley from Edinburgh, who just so happened to have come down from Edinburgh to be our number one favourite customer. Cheers, man!]

Anyway, moving on to the real point(?), it makes me wonder- what gives a gig that special something? What are the ingredients for a good performance? 'Cos I don't think I know.

Maybe live music is an organic thing, maybe how "good" or "bad" a gig is can't really be controlled.

Or maybe it's not up to the performer to decide? Maybe the only people who really know if a gig is "good" or "bad" are the audience?

But then again, having played a fair few gigs myself, there are definitely some that go "right," and some that go "wrong." Playing jazz piano in CJB is a good example- some nights I can't do anything but read the chords- when it gets to my solo, the inspiration just isn't there. But then some nights (Arran!), ideas just come, seemingly without any effort on my part. I'm honestly not meaning to sound cocky, just trying to explain.

So if we define a 'good gig' as being one where 'inspiration flows,' what factors determine 'inspiration?' Surroundings? Rehearsal? Lack of self-consciousness? Mood? Luck? Who knows.

At the end of the day, I suppose that the beauty of music (live music in particular) is that it can't really be broken down into logical concepts.

So unfortunately, I don't think we will ever know exactly what makes a gig go well or not.

But luckily, I don't think we will ever know exactly what makes a gig go well or not.

I hope that makes some sense. Over and out.


P.S. I thought it might be nice to give you some interesting links to make up for all that nonsense... So here are three of my personal favourite live performances of all time. There are many more, but these are the only three I can think of right now... Enjoy!
  • Rush - Tom Sawyer (Rio de Janeiro, 2002) This makes the list mostly because of the intro. And the riff. Neil Peart's virtuosic drumming perfection coupled with the tighter-than-tight band playing is the icing on the prog-rock-anthem-cake.
  • U2 & "New Voices Of Freedom" Gospel Choir - Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (Madison Square Gardens, 1987) There is always something incredibly fearsome and special about a passionate gospel choir, but when they are singing a song like this, with this band, it is simply astonishing. I promise that this is the only time I will ever, EVER do this, but to quote a YouTube commenter: "If this does not move you, you might want to check and see if you still have a pulse" 'Nuff said.
  • Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (A cappella) A bit of a hidden gem, in my opinion, I think this is the perfect example of an incredible combination of spontaneity, setting and, erm, singing (cringe...) Apparently this was the warm-up to the main "Blogotheque" gig, which is also well worth a watch. Stunning. [Hugely interesting article/background info on the Blogotheque website as well. You can thank me later...]

Saturday, 9 May 2009


Ok, ok, I haven't exactly been reliably blogging, but I do have a life to run. So today will just be one of the usual listening logs/recommendations, but I fully intend to bring you something new soon.

So, with that disclaimer completed, what have I been listening to recently? Oh the beauty of dysfunctional rhetoric. (WARNING: I am attempting to put pictures in today. May fail.)

Hejira by Joni Mitchell is my latest blast from the past, and I'm strangely enjoying it. Probably of more interest if you are a) a Joni fan already, or b) a poet/songwriter, because a lot of emphasis is placed on the lyrics. Nevertheless, this is still worth a listen, the musical interplay between Jaco Pastorius' sublime fretless bass playing and Joni's expressive, almost intellectual vocal delivery giving it a strange sense of lonely wanderlust, a timeless appeal. Though for first time Joni fans, I would recommend Blue or Ladies of the Canyon.
  • Key tracks: Coyote, Amelia, Furry Sings The Blues, Hejira.
  • Best moment: "Furry Sings The Blues" - the line "He points a bony finger at you, says 'I don't like you'," vocal impersonation included.

My personal "find" (possibly) is the debut album from Damien Rice's ex-backing singer,
Lisa Hannigan. Called Sea Sew, it's possibly the most un-Damien Rice-ish record you could imagine. Think Ireland, sea, pubs, knitting (in a cool way), cosiness. All topped off with a genuinely creative band, and that voice. Sublime.
  • Key tracks: I Don't Know (awesome live version through the link), Ocean and a Rock, Sea Song, Pistachio (ditto)
  • Best moment: there really are many. The cheeky, lilting groove of "I Don't Know," the quirky drum machine backing on "Keep It All," but top of the list is "Pistachio," with some of the most weird yet heartfelt and inventive lyric-writing I have heard for while - "Sit down and fire away, I know it's tricky when you're feeling low, when you feel like your feelings have gone the way of a pre-shelled pistachio." Need I say more?

Unfortunately, I think I have been too kind recently, so it's time to stop gushing. I was also listening to the new Kings Of Leon album, Only By The Night, and I was genuinely disappointed. There is none of the attitude and musical power of the older albums, just a sense of never quite making the grade, aiming too high and missing. That said, the single cuts are still good- "Use Somebody" is the definitive rock anthem, and "Closer" is inventive, despite being little more than a nice effected bass riff. But the rest of the album is just a mess. Prime examples (IMO) are "Manhattan" and "17," both of which are seemingly formless attempts at accessible grandeur, but really just come off as amateur.

Don't get me wrong, they are a great band, capable of great songwriting (see "Fans," "Red Morning Light" and "Milk") but I'm afraid that this time, in my books at least, they haven't made the grade. Look- they didn't even get a picture... Neh neeh neh neeh neeh.

Soo... There are some music recommendations, perhaps it's time for a real blog some time soon? Though I could do with some ideas for what to blog about... Drop me a comment!!

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Well, well, well...

So yeah, it's been a while... And the fact that I feel like I'm writing to a brick wall doesn't help (is that even a valid metaphor?), though I'm determined to write something more substantial than usual, whether anyone reads it or not.

Anyway, what with so many musical happenings and listenings, I'm not sure where to start. Let's kick off with some new bands...

  • Fleet Foxes - A fascinating and distinctly American palette of folksy guitars, baroque-pop hooks and luscious stacked harmonies. Key tracks - White Winter Hymnal, Blue Ridge Mountains, Oliver James
  • Bellowhead - Sticking with the folk theme, but from the opposite side of the Atlantic, Bellowhead are a bunch (collective?) from England who have taken traditional English folk music and put it on drugs that even Amy Winehouse hasn't heard of. Funk, jazz, disco, classical, you name it- they've added it to the cocktail. Key tracks - London Town, Fakenham Fair, (my personal fave - yes, it's a frying pan) Jordan
  • Calamateur - Strictly local and unsigned, these guys (well, this guy really) are/is PHENOMENAL!!! (I saw them live last night - prepare for a post very soon!!) And what's more, his latest album, interestingly entitled "Jesus Is For Losers" is absolutely free off the website - seriously, download it now! Yes he writes from a Christian worldview, but even if you aren't of the same beliefs then this is well, well worth a listen. Bristling electronics combined with singer-songwriter acoustic sensibilities and a large dose of honesty, there is very little not to like here. Namecheck (IMO) Radiohead, Sigur Ros (live anyway), Delirious?, Elliott Smith. Key tracks (from the latest album) - Jesus is for Losers, Perfect Moment and many more...
In addition to these (relatively) new finds, I have been getting stuck into Joni Mitchell, Jeff Buckley live, Beach Boys and Led Zeppelin. Also, reading "The Philosophy of Art" by Noel Carroll - fascinating and well-written, even though it's an Undergraduate University textbook and requires commitment, I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in that sort of thing. Finally, I have discovered the wonders of Spotify. I still much prefer owning albums, but for trying new stuff nothing can beat it - and I haven't even had one ad yet! Head on over to and make yourself happy.

Please leave comments and emails and, y'know, read things... More followers would just be lovely. Peace out!!

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Back home!

Hello again, I'm still not entirely sure whether anyone on the planet is actually following my blog, but if you are, sorry for the lack of posts over the last two weeks. I intended to write something from Florida, but never got round to it, so I'm sorry!

Though I did buy a rather nice maraca while I was there. I also tried to buy a ukulele, but the one I wanted was out of stock although, for my family's sake, maybe it was better that way.

I must doubly apologise because this post isn't going to be particularly substantial either, but I promise that after my exam on Thursday I will make an effort to write something decent. As for now, I should really be off studying. Peace out!

P.S. If anyone is actually reading anything on this blog, I would love it if you felt able to comment somewhere, or drop me an email telling me how much you love/hate it, as I'm getting a bit of a complex about the lack of followers... That cool?

Saturday, 31 January 2009

A Warning!!!


Let me explain - I recently decided to take advantage of's free trial offer of 50 songs. It seemed to go well, the service was pretty good and I was able to get planty of jazz albums that I needed.

But, when I played the tracks in iTunes, it just skipped to the next track after 20 seconds of playing!! And even if I played it again and moved the seek bar past the point of skipping, it just skipped ahead anyway!!!

I haven't been able to fix the problme, despite playing with start/end times, converting to AAC and any other method you would care to use, so now all of that free music is lost.

So, in short, DON'T BUY MUSIC FROM EMUSIC.COM. Use amazon or play - no subscription, a better catalogue and they actually fecking work.

Rant over.

Friday, 30 January 2009


Well, I do have some exciting news today. Tomorrow, I am getting on a plane with my family and we are going to Orlando for two weeks!! Or maybe it's only exciting if you are me... But nevertheless, I will be taking my trusty friend laptop with me, and may even get some blogging done! There must be some kind of music scene in Orlando... So I will keep you posted!

Meanwhile, this week's choice albums:

Day & Age by The Killers is on frequent rotation at the minute, and I'm loving every minute of it! They seem to have perfected the formula - there's a nice mix of the synthy glam-rock leanings of Hot Fuss and the abstract American rock of Sam's Town, but for me it's the new and inventive instrumentation that does it - harpsichord, anyone?
  • Key tracks: Losing Touch, This Is Your Life, The World We Live In
  • Best moment: Hmm, there are many, but I think it may have to be the brass opening figures on "Losing Touch."

I also backtracked slightly, and had a listen to Because Of The Times, the 2007 album from Kings Of Leon. I have read one review that slated it, basically suggesting that they were trying (and failing) to be the U2 of American rock. And while this is possibly true, the results of the experiment are nothing to be ashamed of - this album oozes attitude and musicality. In my opinion, Because Of The Times is seriously underrated.
  • Key Tracks: Knocked Up, McFearless, Fans
  • Best moment: The complex yet solid drum groove in "McFearless" (see also: bridge to "My Party.")

The best 'cover version' in the world.

Keith Jarrett - "I Loves You, Porgy" from the album "The Melody At Night, With You." I am speechless!! Only just heard any of this album now, in fact still only on track 2 but I am already in love with it!!! For all of his personal prima donna-isms and "artistic" flaws, this man is surely the only person in the universe who can channel the intense fear and longing of the lyrics to this song through an instrument. (check out

I also love the fact that there is none of the impressive though perhaps convoluted harmonic showboating that Jarrett is famous for here - just the melody, but expressed with a clarity and elegance that can never be taught or learnt. A true genius - even if you aren't a jazz fan, buy this album!!!